
NE Florida News

Monday, March 3, 2025

Countywide curfew effective 8 p.m. today

Flagler County has ordered a countywide curfew that will go into effect at 8 p.m. tonight, Wednesday, September 28.

The curfew is for the entire county though the evacuation order only includes:

  • Zone A, the barrier island from Flagler Beach to Marineland
  • Low-lying areas in Zone B – the Bulowville neighborhoods east of John Anderson Highway and the Palm Drive and Lambert Avenue neighborhoods.
  • Non-elevated homes in the low-lying areas of our Zone F, which is the area surrounding and near Crescent Lake and Dead Lake to include Daytona North are also in the evacuation order.
The countywide curfew will be in effect daily from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. until further notice.

The curfew does not apply to the following: law enforcement personnel; federal, state, and local firefighting, emergency medical and emergency management personnel; county employees detailed to work on the emergency, Salvation Army and Red Cross personnel and volunteers; National Guard personnel; electric utility personnel; water and wastewater utility personnel; communications utility personnel; and individuals involved in medical emergencies.

Violations are a second-degree misdemeanor punishable by a $500 fine per offense and by a term of up to 60 days imprisonment, in accordance with Florida Statutes Section 252.50.

“This is about protecting human life and property,” Emergency Management Director Jonathan Lord said. “We will lift it as soon as possible, but there are a lot of unknowns with this storm.”

At the www.flaglercounty.gov/emergency website, residents can sign up for the ALERTFlagler notification system, directly accessible at www.flaglercounty.gov/alertflagler.

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Original source can be found here.