
NE Florida News

Monday, March 3, 2025

City of St. Augustine Solid Waste Division to focus on yard debris pick-up

Recycling collection will resume on Thursday and Friday, October 20th and 21st

Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 19, 2022, the City of St. Augustine Solid Waste Division will focus on collecting yard debris that is in trash cans and bags. While it is usually not a requirement to can or bag yard debris, it is now necessary due to equipment issues. Please be advised that all residents may not have yard debris collected this sweep due to these difficulties.

“Staff and equipment has been working seven days a week for over two weeks due to Hurricane Ian. I couldn’t be more proud of the work and dedication the Solid Waste Division has demonstrated during this time,” said Utilities Director Todd Grant. “However, due to circumstances beyond our control, like equipment failure, we need to ask our residents to help by canning and bagging their yard debris. We appreciate the community’s patience and efforts to work with us during this time.”

Residential recycling collection will resume on Thursday and Friday, October 20th and 21st. In the meantime, recycling drop-off centers remain open 24/7, and are free of charge for residents who would like to bring recyclables to those locations:

  • 601 Riberia Street - end of Riberia by Solid Waste Department and Wastewater Plant.
  • North City – by the Las Palmas condos on San Marco.
  • Red Cox Drive by the Soccer Field, behind RB Hunt Elementary School
Questions about waste pickup and additional information may be directed to Todd Grant, Utilities Director at 904-315-8499 or via email. 

Media inquiries should be directed to Melissa Wissel, Communications Director, at 904.293.3307 or via email.

Original source can be found here.