
NE Florida News

Monday, March 3, 2025

Rotary Club of Flagler Beach Holiday at the Beach Parade

The Rotary Club of Flagler Beach invites you to participate in the annual Holiday at the Beach Parade to be held Saturday, December 3rd at 2:00PM.

Line Up: Between 12:00PM - 1:30PM You will receive your entry number and map to your location on December 1st via email. Parade begins promptly at 2:00pm or when Santa lands on the beach.

Parade Route: East on N 6th St., south on A1A, west on S.6th St.

For safety and clean-up reasons, the City of Flagler Beach and the Flagler Beach Police Department bans the throwing of anything from moving vehicles. Candy may be handed out. But, please, no flyers, postcards, brochures, or literature.

Judging will take place prior to the start of the parade so be ready by 1:30pm to impress the judges. 

Awards will be given for “Outstanding Performance”, “Most Creative”, “Best Holiday Spirit” and “Judges Choice”.

Entry deadline: November 28thTo sign up for parade entry: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/holiday-at-the-beach-parade-tickets-452400862157

Holiday at the Beach Parade Sign Up


Original source can be found here.