
NE Florida News

Monday, March 3, 2025

Google engineer and alum mentors computing students

Nik Blain, a member of Google’s Senior Technical staff and University of North Florida School of Computing alum, recently returned to campus to provide an overview on “Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery and Development (CI/CD)” to students in the IS Senior Project computing course.

In his discussion, Blain shared the importance of building the CI/CD pipeline and demonstrated the pipeline using Google Go codebase and Google Cloud resources, as well as discussed techniques and tools used by the world’s largest software companies. He spoke about his work experience with Amazon and Google and shared tips on how to prepare for interviews with tech giants.

Nik graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s in computer science from UNF in fall of 2019. He founded his own software company when he was a UNF student and began working for Amazon immediately upon graduation.

In the IS senior project class, senior students develop web application systems for nonprofit organizations and community partners and student teams are mentored by software engineering companies to ensure students produce quality products.

Original source can be found here.