
NE Florida News

Monday, March 3, 2025

City of Palm Coast Seeking Volunteer Board Members


Board | Michael Fousert (Unsplash)

Board | Michael Fousert (Unsplash)

The City of Palm Coast is seeking applications from its citizens to serve as a member on one of three volunteer boards: the Beautification and Environmental Advisory Committee (BEAC), the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC), and the Planning and Land Development Regulation Board (PLDRB). 

The City of Palm Coast is seeking applications from its citizens to serve as a member on one of three volunteer boards: the Beautification and Environmental Advisory Committee (BEAC), the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC), and the Planning and Land Development Regulation Board (PLDRB).

The BEAC identifies issues within the City of Palm Coast relating to the beautification, scenic beauty, natural resource, conservation, aesthetic enhancements, environmental protection, and other related matters and evaluates and considers ways that could be implemented within the City to address them. The Committee may make recommendations to the PLDRB with regard to Comprehensive Plan amendments and land development regulations involving its areas of review. The Board generally meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 5:00 p.m at City Hall, 160 Lake Ave, Palm Coast. 

The CAC is responsible for providing citizen input to the Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) concerning transportation planning and programming, reviewing all transportation studies, reports, and plans and/or programs, and making recommendations to the TPO that are pertinent to the subject. 

The function of the PLDRB is to make recommendations to the City Council regarding the Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations. Further, the PLDRB reviews the land development regulations and, where necessary, suggest amendments to the regulations for consistency and to ensure that they complement the Comprehensive Plan. The PLDRB meets monthly at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall, 160 Lake Ave, Palm Coast. The applicant for this vacancy must reside in District 3.

Applicants must be registered to vote in Flagler County and residents of the City of Palm Coast.  Appointments shall be made on the basis of interest, experience and/or education in the subject matter by City Council members at a City Council meeting.

Serving on a voluntary Citizen Board or Committee is an excellent opportunity to pursue interests in local governmental activities. The Boards/Committees offer invaluable insight to the City Council, City Staff, and the entire community.

You may obtain an application and more information by visiting the City website at www.palmcoast.gov or by contacting the City Clerk's Office, 160 Lake Avenue, Palm Coast, FL 32164. Phone 386-986-3713 or E-mail: kcook@palmcoastgov.com. 

Stay informed with the latest news and information from the City of Palm Coast by following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. You can sign up for weekly updates by visiting www.palmcoastgov.com/government/city-manager/week-in-review. 

Original source can be found here.