
NE Florida News

Monday, March 3, 2025

City Council Business Meeting on Tuesday, February 7 at 6 p.m.


Meeting | Pexels by Mike van Schoonderwalt

Meeting | Pexels by Mike van Schoonderwalt

The Palm Coast City Council meets regularly to discuss and vote on official City business. 

These meetings are open to the public and Palm Coast residents are strongly encouraged to attend. An increase in public engagement helps to build a stronger sense of community, increases valuable discussions, and decreases division.

A City Council Business Meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 7 at 6 p.m. 

Details of the items on the agenda are listed below. 

  • City Administration will present the Annual Health and Safety Employee Calendar. Relatives of City Employees, 18 years and younger, were invited to participate by submitting a drawing or painting about health, safety, and workplace safety that may affect them personally or their family members. Winners will receive their own copy of the Health and Safety Calendar along with a craft-related gift for each age category.
  • The Community Development Department will present an ordinance to City Council for the Harborside Master Planned Development (MPD), application #5132. Harborside is 17.64 +/- acres and is located on the east and northeast sides of Palm Harbor Parkway at its intersection with Clubhouse Drive. This item was scheduled to be heard on January 17, 2023, the City Council conditionally approved the item at first reading but directed staff and the applicants to try and reach a compromise on the number of units allowed as well as the conditions in Section 10 of the Master Planned Development (MPD) Agreement. In accordance with City Council direction, the applicant and staff reanalyzed the request and allowable density and determined that 371 units and a density of 21.9 units/per acre was an acceptable compromise. This is a reduction of 61 units and a reduction in density of 3.6 units/per acre from what the applicant was proposing.
  • The Community Development Department will present a resolution to approve the final plat for the Reverie at Palm Coast Park Phase 1 (AR #5120). Alliant Engineering, Inc., proposes to plat and subdivide approximately 113.22 acres of land into 272 single family residential lots and 31 tracts. The Reverie at Palm Coast Park Phase 1 is located on the west side of US 1 approximately 2,600 feet north of Wellfield Grade.
  • The Community Development Department will present a resolution to approve a pre-annexation agreement with Seminole Woods Investments and BJ’s Wholesale Club. The proposed Pre-Annexation Agreement is for a 30.7+/- acre area generally located at the southwest quadrant of State Road 100 and Seminole Woods Blvd. The subject properties are proposed for development as a wholesale club and retail space. The subject properties are within the City of Palm Coast utility service area and therefore required to annex into the City as a condition of receiving water and sewer service from the City of Palm Coast. The Pre-Annexation Agreement outlines the steps and conditions for the annexation of the subject property.
  • The Stormwater and Engineering Department will present a resolution to approve additional expenses related to the Belle Terre Pathway/Bridge Rehabilitation Project. This item is for standard operations. Construction began in June 2022 with an original completion date of November 2022. This project has suffered several setbacks which resulted in a widening of the scope of work and scheduling delays. The project setbacks included two hurricanes, a delay by Florida Power & Light, a failing headwall, stormwater pipes requiring additional stabilizing, and structural failure. This item is to request Council approval of additional funds in a not-to-exceed amount of $1,136,242.47 to cover the additional expenses related to the structural failure and stabilization. Funds for this project have been budgeted in the Stormwater & Engineering FY 23 Budget.
  • The Community Development Department will present an appeal request by INB Fund 1 of the Planning and Land Development Regulation Board Decision for Variance for 54 Utica Path, application #5287. This is a request to appeal a decision of the Planning and Land Development Regulation Board (PLDRB). The subject property, 54 Utica Path, was purchased by INB Fund 1, LLC in May of 2021. The property has a Future Land Use designation of Residential and a Zoning designation of Single Family Residential - 2 (SFR-2). The lot is a conforming lot; however, it is irregularly shaped. The front property line cuts back significantly on the left side to accommodate a wider right of way for the construction of a median in the road.
The following items will be presented as consent items for approval: 

  • A resolution approving a Master Services Agreement with multiple firms for city-wide grant compliance assistance on an as-needed basis.  
  • A resolution approving a Master Services Agreement for Phase 2 of the Town Center Cultural Arts and Recreation Master Plan Development with Johnson Consulting.
  • A resolution approving piggybacking the Volusia County Contract with Steve’s First Choice Painting for city-wide painting services.  
  • A resolution approving a Master Services agreement with Strickland Sod for sod materials and sod installation on an as-needed basis.  
  • A resolution approving piggybacking the Florida Sheriff’s Association Contract with Tradewinds Power Corp. for the purchase of a 125KW Generator Package.
  • A resolution approving a Master Price Agreement with Alpha General Services for Emergency Replacement PEP Tanks.
  • A resolution approving a Master Price Agreement with Alpha General Services for Emergency Replacement PEP Pumps.

Public Comments will be opened at the beginning and end of the business meeting in accordance with Section 286.0114 Florida Statutes and pursuant to the City Council’s Meeting Policies and Procedures. Each speaker will approach the podium, provide his/her name, and may speak for up to 3 minutes.

Meetings of the Palm Coast City Council typically occur three times per month. A 6 p.m. business meeting on the first Tuesday of the month, a 9 a.m. workshop meeting on the second Tuesday of the month, and a 9 a.m. business meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. All meetings take place in the Community Wing at City Hall at 160 Lake Avenue in Palm Coast.

Business meetings and workshops are open to the public and are streamed live on the City’s YouTube channel. Meeting agendas for all public meetings are posted in advance of each meeting on the City’s website. All agendas can be viewed here.

If you wish to obtain more information regarding the City Council’s agenda, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 386-986-3713. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Stay informed with the latest news and information from the City of Palm Coast by following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. You can sign up for weekly updates by visiting www.palmcoastgov.com/government/city-manager/week-in-review

Original source can be found here.