
NE Florida News

Monday, March 3, 2025

February 7 Special & Regular Session Meeting Brief


Meeting | Adrien Olichon (Pexels)

Meeting | Adrien Olichon (Pexels)

February 7, 2023, City Council Special Session Meeting Brief

Council Business 

  1. Teams Presentation by attorney Heather Encinosa regarding special assessments and other local government revenue sources to assist with rapid growth.
After Heather Encinosa’s presentation explaining special assessments and how local governments use them to fund improvements or upgrades to their municipalities, City Council and City Manager Steve Kennedy discuss the use of special assessments for specific efforts in City Limits. During this discussion and Q&A with Encinosa, City Council expresses interest in possibly using special assessments for planned electrical improvement projects. This discussion ends with a motion from Council Member Ed Gaw to direct staff to proceed with further investigation on the process of special assessment with focus on electric in core of city. Motion passes in a 5-0 vote. 

February 7, 2023, City Council Meeting Brief

Awards & Recognitions

  1.  Proclamation - Black History Month
Proclamation read by Executive Assistant to the City Manager Kim Thomas and presented to Isaac Brown, Henrietta Francis, Felecia Hampshire, and Cheryl Gonzalez of Mt. Zion AME Church


2. Clay County - Impact Fees and related processes

Presented by Clay County Government Manager Howard Wanamaker. City Manager Steve Kennedy asked to be authorized to execute interlocal agreement with Clay County on impact fees. 

Motion for City Manager to authorize and execute interlocal agreement with Clay County on impact fees passes 4 - 0, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent

3. Update from the CAC - Beautification in and around Spring Park

Citizen Advisory Committee members not present. City Manager Kennedy gives brief on the committee’s ideas for beautification in and around Spring Park. 

4. FMPA - February 2023

Presented by Bob Page

Consent Agenda

5. City Council approval of the CAC 10-13-2022 Minutes. 

Approved 4 – 0 by City Council, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent 

 6. City Council approval of the Initial CAC Members term renewal. 

Approved 4 – 0 by City Council, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent 

7. City Council approval of Resolution No. R-01-2023, a Resolution canceling and rescheduling the regularly scheduled meetings of the Green Cove Springs City Council. 

Approved 4 – 0 by City Council, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent 

8. City Council approval to surplus the Information Technology items listed in Attachment  “A”  

Approved 4 – 0 by City Council, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent 

9. City Council approval to purchase a 2022 Ford Ranger Pickup from the Tallahassee Vehicle Contract #5180, in the total amount of $41,776.97 from Beck Auto Sales, Inc. to replace surplussed truck # 952, a 2006 Ford F150 which experienced a mechanical failure for which the repair far exceeds the trucks value. 

Approved 4 – 0 by City Council, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent  

10. City Council approval of the 2023 FTF dates and request to insert the attached flyer into the utility bills. 

Approved 4 – 0 by City Council, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent 

11. City Council approval of the update on Public Works Compound Project.

Pulled by Mike Null to explain the second and third phase of the Public Works Compound Project. Second Phase consists of reconfiguring the Public Works parking lot and pond beside the compound. Third Phase consists of the design build of the new maintenance shop and truck and equipment storage area. 

Approved 4 – 0 by City Council, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent 

12. City Council approval of Minutes from 11/15/2022 Regular Session. 

Approved 4 – 0 by City Council, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent 

13. City Council approval of Grant Agreement with FDEP in the amount of $400,000 to construct Green Stormwater Improvements for the parking associated with the Walnut Street Project and authorization for City Manager to execute same. 

Approved 4 – 0 by City Council, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent

14. City Council review and approval of a street closure request and fee waiver request for a Major Event, Augusta Savage Cultural Arts Festival. 

Approved 4 – 0 by City Council, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent 

15. City Council review and approval of a Major Event, FFC-MVPA 2023 Winter Rally & Swap Meet, a waiver of $25,000 bond requirement, and a reduction of the event permit fee. 

Pulled by Council Member Ed Gaw to get more information about event from event organizers present. 

Approved 4 – 0 by City Council, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent 

Council Business

16. Operation of Golf Carts on Multiuse Trails. 

Development Services Director Mike Daniels presents to Council the current ordinance on golf cart use, which prohibits them on sidewalks. However, with the new 8-foot-wide multiuse trail currently in construction many residents have assumed that it could also be used for golf carts. The current ordinance does not allow this, but staff will look into it if Council wants to create a new ordinance allowing golf carts on multiuse trails and sidewalks. 

After mixed discussion about allowing or not allowing golf carts on sidewalks, City Council agrees to look more into how other communities allow golf carts on multiuse trails and Mayor Matt Johnson directs staff to proceed with research and come up with possible golf cart route from US 17 to Palmetto Ave. 

17. City Manager & City Attorney Reports / Correspondence

City Manager Steve Kennedy requests Council to make an emergency motion to allow the City Manager to approve a tolling agreement with U.S. Army Corp of Engineers that would retroactively allow projects already done in Spring Park, as well as allow the city to move forward with future projects with U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. 

Emergency Motion allowing City Manager to approve tolling agreement with U.S. Army Corp of Engineers pass 4 – 0, with Vice Mayor Connie Butler absent. 

18. City Council Reports / Correspondence

Original source can be found here.