
NE Florida News

Monday, March 3, 2025

UPDATE: City to postpone affordable housing site visit, Design workshop remains on schedule


Civil Service Commission – Update | pixabay.com

Civil Service Commission – Update | pixabay.com

UPDATE: Thursday, March 16, 2023

City to postpone affordable housing site visit

Design workshop remains on schedule

Due to forecasted storms on Saturday, March 18, the City of St. Augustine is postponing its public site visit that was originally scheduled from 9:00am until 12:00pm at 450 N. Holmes Blvd., in conjunction with its architectural design consultant, Brooks+Scarpa.

So that the public is not impacted by the inclement weather, the site visit will be rescheduled at a future date.

The design workshop, or “charrette” will remain as scheduled on Monday, March 20 from 1:00pm until 5:00pm in the Alcazar Room of City Hall, 75 King Street. 

Public input and feedback will be gathered for considerations such as:

  • Overall project design
  • Pricing accommodations for future residents of all income levels
  • Potential additional services that could be provided to future residents within this community include, like: 
    • On-site recreation, such as an exercise room, fishing, and walking trails 
    • A community center that acts as an emergency (hurricane) shelter
    • Day care services
    • Education services, such as space available for classes or tutoring
    • Health care services, or space set aside for on-site health care visit
    •  Transportation features, such as a bus stop, pedestrian access to the public sidewalk on Holmes Blvd., and bike racks
In addition, project feedback may be submitted via email to AffordableHousing@CityStAug.com.

Original source can be found here.