
NE Florida News

Monday, March 3, 2025

WTAS: Congressman Bean Builds Support for His Bill to Put American Businesses First

Aaron bean

Aaron Bean | Aaron Bean Official Website

Aaron Bean | Aaron Bean Official Website

WASHINGTON—In addition to his efforts within the House GOP Conference, Congressman Aaron Bean (FL-04) is building momentum from outside organizations and industry stakeholders for H.R. 2744, Freedom from Government Competition Act of 2023.  This legislation puts American businesses first by increasing opportunities for private industries to provide goods and services without the threat of taxpayer funded government competition. 

Here is what stakeholders are saying in response to the introduction of the H.R. 2744:

Insights Association Senior VP Advocacy, Howard Fienberg: “The Insights Association cheers Congressman Bean for introducing the Freedom from Government Competition Act to keep the federal government focused on its core necessary responsibilities. The market research and data analytics industry faces unfair competition from government, like many others. More importantly, this legislation will significantly reduce the resources wasted by federal agencies on duplicative (and often failing) enterprises, like the Census Bureau’s Ask U.S. Panel.”

IOPFDA Legislative Counsel, Paul Miller: “The Independent Office Products & Furniture Dealers Association (IOPFDA) thanks Congressman Bean for introducing the Freedom from Government Competition Act. IOPFDA has served as the voice of the independent dealer and has worked hand-in-hand with independent dealers to ensure they have a seat at the policy-making table in Washington, our State Capitals, and in our local communities. This legislation will help push back against government agencies that sponsor or engage in commercial activities that displace or remove contracts from IOPFDA members.”

NVSBC Executive Director, Scott Jensen: “The National Veteran Small Business Coalition joins our small business industry partners in supporting the Freedom from Government Competition Act.  This measure will help level the playing field for veteran owned small businesses working with the federal government, while simultaneously creating much needed governmental efficiency.  We thank Representative Bean for the leadership on this issue.”

Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council: “The competitive pressures on small businesses are extraordinary. Therefore, government’s role should be to provide relief, support, fairness and certainty. The ‘Freedom From Government Competition Act’ will help ensure that the federal government stays in its lane by not replicating what can be done more efficiently by the private sector, which will also lead to more procurement opportunities for small businesses. SBE Council strongly supports this important piece of legislation, and we applaud Congressman Bean for his leadership and support of U.S. entrepreneurship and small business.”

Health Agents for America President, B. Ronnell Nolan: “Health Agents for America (HAFA) applauds Representative Bean for introducing the Freedom from Government Competition Act. Health insurance agents from across America have searched for a hero and we have found one in Representative Bean. This legislation would support small business and assist our industry in surviving against government competition.”

ASA Director of Government Relations, Michael Oscar: American Subcontractors Association (ASA), a trade association representing over 1,800 subcontractors and suppliers in the construction industry since 1966, who works with our membership on improving the business environment in the construction industry, representing subcontractors at all branches of local, state and federal government, applauds the prodigious work of Rep. Bean for introducing this important and timely legislation as it relates to unfair competition within the construction industry. This legislation would provide the construction industry a level playing field with the federal government.”

Associated Builders and Contractors Vice President of Legislative & Political Affairs, Kristen Swearingen: “ABC applauds congressional introduction of the Freedom from Government Competition Act, which would prevent unfair government competition with the private sector, foster government efficiency and create more opportunities for our Kristen Swearingen, vice president of legislative & political affairs, Associated Builders and Contractors nation’s small businesses. ABC is a strong proponent of fair and open competition and commends Rep. Bean for his leadership and commitment to free market competition.”

Comprehensive list of stakeholders supporting H.R. 2744 include: Heritage Action for America (HAFA), Associated General Contractors (AGC), Business coalition for Fair Competition (BCFC), Insights Association (IA), Independent Office Products & Furniture Dealers Association (IOPFDA), National Veteran Small Business Coalition (NVSBC), Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council (SBE), Health Agents for America (HAFA), American Subcontractors Association (ASA), Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC).

Original source can be found here.