Congressman Aaron Bean | Aaron Bean Official Website
Congressman Aaron Bean | Aaron Bean Official Website
Last night, U.S. Congressman Aaron Bean from Florida's 4th District cast his vote in favor of H.R. 1968, the Full-Year Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act of 2025. This six-month continuing resolution aims to keep the government operational while efforts continue to reduce government spending and lower national debt.
Congressman Bean stated, “We have a responsibility to fund the government, and House Republicans worked with President Trump to do just that." He emphasized that the bill ensures government operations remain fully functional without cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, or veterans’ benefits. Instead, it increases funding for defense and border security.
According to Bean, "We are spending less money than last year, and with the support of President Trump, we are cutting spending by $13 billion. Our message is clear: we are united in moving the America first agenda forward.”
The bill includes full funding for core government services and maintains operations without increasing taxpayer spending. It also upholds commitments to veterans by ensuring full healthcare services and benefits funding. The legislation enhances defense investments and provides the largest pay raise for junior enlisted personnel in over four decades.
Support extends to federal wildland firefighters who protect communities and public lands. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid recipients are protected from potential disruptions caused by a shutdown. Additionally, air traffic control priorities see increased funding over fiscal year 2024.
The program providing nutrition assistance to mothers, infants, and children receives a boost with over $500 million added at the request of the Trump Administration, bringing total funding to $7.6 billion. The bill avoids any controversial amendments or provisions.
The legislation passed narrowly with a vote of 217-213.