City of Green Cove Springs issued the following announcement.
City of Green Cove Springs Development Services Department is interested in applying to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for a FFY 2019 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The City is eligible to apply for up to $700,000 in the neighborhood revitalization, commercial revitalization, and housing rehabilitation grant categories.
Before filling out a grant application, Development Services has scheduled two public hearings in September to gather comments and concerns about the City’s economic and community development needs from residents. The first public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 1, 2020.
Planning and Zoning Director Mike Daniels will present the different grant categories to the City Council and any public present, and provide data on the City. He will then ask the Council and residents in attendance their most important issues in Green Cove Springs and discuss how those issues can be incorporated in the grant application.
Development Services Staff will gather public comments from the first public hearing and use them to draft a grant application. That draft application will be presented in the second public hearing for public feedback. The final grant application draft will be sent to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity by October 5, 2020.
The grant application process will be documented on
Please contact Development Services Representative Heather Glisson at 904-297-7500, ext. 3334, or for any questions.
Original source can be found here.